Monday, 29 January 2007

Happy New Year to Everyone

Happy New Year to everyone.

I must say my Christmas was quite a hectic one. From Boxing Day until 4 Jan I had 18 people staying at my house. We kicked everyone out so we could nick off to Echuca for 5 days to visit other friends and have a bit of a break ourselves. Upon returning home I had a phone call with friends letting me know they were on there way, so up until yesterday (Sunday 28 Jan) we have not had a day or a night alone.
Christmas Day

We had a great Christmas Day with my mum 'Jen' staying Christmas eve and waking up with the kids. Gwen and Brian joined us for lunch. We surprised everyone with an Entre of prawns and lobster, followed by a traditional roast lunch (with the meat being cooked in the BBQ), finished off with Plum Pudding, Cream, Ice cream and custard.

Afterwards retiring to lounge for a nap


Peter said...

Hi Donna, better late than never with the Happy New Year.

Cazz said...

Looks like the kids mugged Santa and emptied the sleigh !!!

MMMMMM.. prawns... lobster... bloody hell, they are never on the menu when I get invited!!!!!

Hope your visitors helped with the dishes LMFAO !!


Gwen said...

Hi Donna.
It sure was a great Christmas Day,
but I think I could have done with out the nap.The pics turned out ok too. xx

Jeanette said...

Hi Donna
I had a lovely day but must say the Prawns and lobster topped the day off.
((((HUGS))))and love to all Mum xxxx

Jo said...

Hey sis, you guys sure had a great day. hmmm lobster and prawns I have been told they are very nice, I will just take there word for it!!!